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GD Bildung und Kultur

What’s missed, is missed!
Brain celles fighting for survival





As an important basis for intellectual developpment
children have to explore their
environment and to
develop dexterity.

What’s missed here will be distroyed for ever.


Following the brains curriculum…

..... makes madly keen on learning.

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The child’s brain is governed by the senses: it smells, tastes, hears, sees and touches, forming links to the outside world. This forms a way of importing the ”raw material”, so to speak, which will be processed later.

The adult’s brain works in exactly the opposite way: it mainly speculates about what has already been entered there, plans and develops it, and produces results, which are then conveyed outside.

Because this works so well for us adults, we think we can set children in front of exam papers, let them chew their pencil and think, and then expect them to come up with something, just as we would.

Fortunately, science has shown us that in so doing we are not only harming the child, but we are even wasting precious time.

Every moment the child spends handling, trying things out, putting skills into practice, observing, examining, etc. his brain matures and grows.

Every moment he does not do this, but sits brooding, he destroys important brain cells for good!
More on this here.

Movement, orientation and spacial reasoning are all that is needed for his intelligence to develop.

The more, the better!

Проект «Искусство- естественная потребность человека» N° 2009-1-FR1-GRU06-07061 был финансирован с помощью Европейской комиссии. Публикация отражает мнение авторов, и Европейская комиссия не ответственна за данную информацию, содержащуюся здесь или любое ее использование.