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Weaknesses are epidemic!


that also goes for strengths!


Supporting each other…



….or dragging each other down!

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“Just imagine, he’s cancelled the tickets to his niece’s wedding again because there was no concession !”
“Oh really, so you didn’t go, then?” “No, we didn’t!”
Mrs Smith has just put on the broken old “gramophone record” again, which she usually plays whenever she complains about her husband’s stinginess. 
In the meantime, her hands have just pulled a scarf off the rack and placed it on the counter next to the till. Her sister is visiting and has a cough.
The scarf is bright pink, a colour her sister can’t abide. But the dark cashmere scarf would have cost twice as much. Never mind, the main thing is for her to keep warm!

Whether we use our life to adapt to all of our partner’s weaknesses or whether their strengths will one day become our own strengths too is a choice only we can make.

It’s quite a simple matter: as soon as you start to talk about something, currents in the brain are sent to the circuit belonging to them. But the special thing about the cables is: they are of living matter: they grow through use, they get thicker, like muscles being trained.
But thicker, stronger cables can conduct a lot more current. In short: if we talk about something enough, in the end we can do it so well, because every time we talk about it, the cables for it become thicker and thicker. And if we’re particularly impressed with someone, then we will one day inevitably behave in exactly the same way.

So if you want to do yourself a favour, then don’t hold back with praise for others. The more detailed you talk about something you truly admire in someone, the more precisely the power supply system develops in your brain, ensuring that you will one day behave in the same manner as the person you now admire.

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